
S&N Group

The S&N Group

The S&N Group is an association of specialised IT companies with high-level expertise in software development, software lifecycle management, IT services and IT consulting. We offer our customers project-oriented expertise based on state-of-the-art technology and agile approaches, taking on responsibility for technological and specialist areas. Our own products are distinguished by their unique functional features, are based on the latest technologies, have certified interfaces to SAP systems and are often market leaders in their field of application.

Our work ethos reflects the shared values of the S&N Group in all of our colleagues. Equality, honesty and transparency result in informed, joint decisions. Reliable, solution-oriented approaches, with an eye on the future, form the basis of our long-standing partnerships with our customers. In doing so, we rely on modern structures, tools and methods. Professional quality assurance is one of our core skills. We use it to guide our customers to achieve their goals – in some cases, even starting from unusual places.

The S&N Group is committed to further education, training and practice-oriented research. We are continuously investing in analytical and technological expertise, creating innovative business models and cultivating our personal relationships.

The S&N Group AG includes S&N Invent GmbH, ABISCON GmbH, 4YOU ABISCON GmbHS&N CQM GmbH, S&N Marktsoft GmbH as well as IT Finance Consulting GmbH – each with its own focus on technology, industry expertise and applied approaches.

Our Companies

Unsere Unternehmen

The path to our shared goal

Consulting / Solutions / Products / Services

SAP Consulting / Products

Solutions / Products

Quality / Methods


S&N Group Logo weiss
Wir nehmen Sie mit

We'll take you with us

The central focus of our work is and remains every single person – whether user, customer, partner or employee. The solutions we create are designed by people, for people. Our teams are committed to meeting the challenges of agile processes – the software development process is constantly managed by people, even during continuous integration. We focus on the necessary freedom that offers opportunities for creativity and innovation and which enables balanced flexibility in the organisation of work and leisure time. Satisfaction is the foundation for sustainable performance. And last but not least: the team-oriented approach to achieving our goal is also part of our culture.

Wir sind Digital Natives

We're digital natives

We have been inspiring newcomers to careers in IT for more than 25 years. Focusing on Paderborn, we offer various internships and code camps for pupils, and our training and study programmes for computer science and business informatics for school graduates have been extremely successful. Our numerous awards and distinctions are proof enough that these training programmes are some of the best in the business. We employ working students at all locations with the aim of qualifying them for their degree. We believe strongly in our colleagues continuously and comprehensively further their knowledge (both personally, professionally and analytically) because our customers, in particular, will reap the rewards. We bolster our digital fitness at our own professional Academy within the Group.

Gute Partnerschaften sind langfristig

Good partnerships are long-term

We complete our projects with verve, professionalism and in a spirit of partnership. In our core markets, we bring recognised professional expertise, creating substantial added value. For us, satisfaction means inspiring our customers and users with our solutions and services. In the process, we not only pay attention to the now, but also keep a keen eye on the future. Good partnerships are usually long-term – this is how we have been working successfully with the vast majority of our customers for many years. Long-standing partnerships with universities and computer science institutes also enable us to engage in a two-way exchange on methods, technology expertise and their practical applications.

Wir erkunden neue Wege

We're exploring new paths

Hardly anything changes faster than IT. We love and are curious about new technologies, and are always working out how they can be used profitably as part of our skills management. We see the opportunities not only for software development, but also (very consciously) for business. Our society is undergoing rapid change due to increasing digitalisation, and we want to play a positive role in shaping that change. We conduct joint research with universities on artificial intelligence applications and cooperate in industry initiatives on digital twins. Since a high level of sustainability determines our future, we test project-oriented procedures for green software development and conceptualise extensions of our products with ESG components.

Current facts and figures about the S&N Group









Executive Board and Supervisory Board

The Executive Board and the Supervisory Board work closely and trustingly together to determine the strategic direction and thus ensure the sustainable success of the group of companies.

Executive Board

Markus Beverungen, Vorstand S&N Group AG

Markus Beverungen studied electrical engineering / media technology at the TU Ilmenau from 1994-1999. With a semester abroad and a hands-on diploma thesis at Cisco Systems in Silicon Valley, he started there as a Dev Test Engineer in software testing, before later switching to technical product management. After studying for an MBA in London and Berlin, he joined Wincor Nixdorf in 2006 as Team Leader in the Services Division and took over Services Operations in the Nordics in 2013. Since 2016, he has been responsible for product management at S&N Invent GmbH, and looks after our locations in the south and in Budapest.
At the beginning of 2021 he was appointed to the Management Board of S&N Group AG.

Supervisory Board

Tilman Rückert

In addition to his work on the supervisory board, Dr. Tilman Rückert is a founding partner of the law firm LAWENTUS Rechtsanwälte in Hamburg.

From the 1990s, he worked at the Institute for Business Law at the University of Hamburg and was a lawyer at the Freshfields law firm, for which he worked in London and Hamburg. He advises national and international companies and their management/owners on restructuring, joint ventures and the purchase and sale of companies – including financing and refinancing contracts. A particular focus is on advice and solution concepts for shareholder controversies, corporate succession and foundation law.

Josef Tillmann began his professional career in 1981 with a degree in computer science at Nixdorf Computer AG, where he most recently worked as a department manager in system software development for banking systems.

In 1991, together with his former colleague Klaus Beverungen, he founded S&N GmbH based in Paderborn. Until the end of 2021, he was responsible for the development of the group of companies as managing director of S&N Invent GmbH and as a member of the board of directors of S&N Group AG. In November 2021 he moved to the Supervisory Board of S&N Group AG and, as its Chairman, he is available to the Management Board in an advisory capacity. Josef Tillmann is chairman of the Economic Forum of the North Rhine-Westphalia Business School (FHDW) – an association for the promotion of practice-oriented research and teaching at the FHDW.

Valentina Stadler

Valentina Stadler has more than 20 years of experience in the capital market sector and currently holds the role of ESG Officer at Greenpeak Partners, a Munich-based private equity company that invests in medium-sized companies while taking environmental and social criteria into account.

Ms Stadler also advises financial investors on the creation and implementation of their sustainability strategy with her consulting firm Arjuna Impact. Prior to this, she spent a large part of her time as Deputy Head of Financial Credit Research at UniCredit. She holds a degree in Management (B.Sc.) and Economics (M.Sc.) from the London School of Economics and Political Sciences and was in the meantime CEO of an internet start-up.

Gregor Engels

Prof. Dr. Gregor Engels received his doctorate in 1986 in the field of computer science / software technology at the University of Dortmund and after working in Osnabrück, Mainz, Braunschweig and Leiden (NL) moved to Paderborn.

Since 1997 he has been a professor for database and information systems at the Institute for Computer Science at the University of Paderborn. He is CEO of the Software Innovation Lab in the Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP) and the C-Lab. The scientific interests of Prof. Engels include issues of model-based software development, modern architectural styles and the role of humans in digital transformation. At the European level, Prof. Engels works on the board of Informatics Europe, among other things, on topics relating to education and training in the IT sector. Prof. Engels has been a member of the Supervisory Board of S&N AG / S&N Group AG since 1999.

How to find us - our locations